War is of the ego and Peace is of Oneness.
Separation is the cause of conflict in this world. And knowing our connection to everything is the cause of Peace, Love and Harmony. The ego construct we live in here is an illusion of different personas, different beings, separate everything. It is destructive, judgemental, arrogant and fearful. Oneness is Love, Light, Life – it is Truth – our Truth. If we look at war as a tool of the ego, we see that it is the ego’s attempt to maintain control of our minds and awareness – devastatingly causing fighting and friction in order to keep us in fear and separate from one another. If we perceived each other through the true lens of Oneness, we could no more harm each other than a flower could a cloud. If we truly want harmony and peace, then we need to be willing to see the Truth behind the façade – that we are One and this world of ego-bloated personas is not who we are at all. Let’s join together as One and create the Peace and Love that we are. Let’s fill this world with Light. Let’s remember Who and What we are – Oneness. Yep – my ‘halo’ of light is crooked! It’s raining in the video, which you might hear in the background:) Sending Love and Light to All, Donna x
Hello! In this video from my 'Oneness Consciousness' YouTube channel, I discuss the importance of music & how a band’s first few first albums are their way of exploring themselves, finding their own style and paying respect to the influences in their lives. I’ve always found these songs exciting, diverse and fun. I’ve also felt deeply touched, met, or energized by them. They can also transport us to Sacred and special places. Some of my favourite songs are where the lyrics speak to my mind and the melody to my heart or Soul – I also really appreciate the juxtaposition of songs like The Smith’s “Girlfriend In A Coma”, which has such light, playful music and serious lyrics. These first videos are like my first albums – it’s possible that by the 200th I’ll have found a flow! Maybe😊 For now, I’m finding my way and exploring. I am endeavouring to do these videos in one take – so I am repeating certain terms rather than editing them out – you will hear “met”, “meet you where you are” and “powerful” several times over! Regarding my use of the term “ego” in this video – I used to say/believe we had individual egos (like in the time period I reference), now I feel we have the overarching ego construct, and individual personas, which can be influenced by this construct we co-created. Thanks so much for being here. While you're here, why not pop over to my channel and subscribe? You could even share it and click the notification bell! Each episode is a part of the overall series - like chapters in a book - so if something doesn't make sense or feel completely explored yet, my plan is that it will over the months and years of postings:) Hello! Today I’m sharing deeply and humorously here about how humour has helped me to process some pretty tough stuff - like ghosting, betrayal, rejection, disrespect, dismissive and patronising behaviour, judgement, gaslighting, and other fun things that our personas inflict on each other. I mention using humour to lighten and help letting go of heaviness, weight and responsibility - I'm not suggesting that I don't take responsibility for my part in everything - I mean not taking on the responsibility of other people, or a false sense of guilt for things out of my direct control. Thanks so much for being here. Each episode is a part of the overall series - like chapters (sometimes paragraphs) in a book - so if something doesn't make sense or feel completely explored yet, my plan is that it will over the months and years of postings:) Today I'm getting personal and sharing a bit of what's happened to me in the last couple of years - and how my perspectives shape my experience of what happened. Each episode is a part of the overall series - like chapters in a book - so if something doesn't make sense or feel completely explored yet, my plan is that it will over the months and years of postings:) I look forward to chatting with you about this important topic. Thanks for being here! Hello! This is a visual allegory of how our different perspectives determine how much we can see, the breadth, depth and height of that vision, and the amount of light that influences it. Do you see your life, people, experiences and yourself from your persona's perspective or from that of Oneness? This is largely screen capture of a very artistic drawing I made back in 1996/97 ;) Quality issues ongoing - thanks for your patience! Thanks for watching and for being here! Donna x Hello! In 2015 I wrote a book called 'Humanity' that I am still yet to edit properly - and from which I quote in this video. I hope you get something from it. Donna x Hello! Today I'm discussing discernment as an aspect of Oneness; judgement as a tool of separation, persona perspective and the ego construct; and how intuition and instinct fit into that. Sorry about the audio quality, I've lost my mic! |
About MeHi, I'm Donna Nelson - A Bestselling Visionary Author, Creator & Producer sharing Sacred Truths, Ideas, Inspirations and Insights to help you live a Wonderful, Meaningful and Extraordinary Life. Archives
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