If you read my previous post, you will know that I see this time as the beginning of our New Mission and Purpose as humans. And that Mission is to invite Oneness into our consciousness, awareness, hearts, minds and world – so that It can explore and experience Itself here – as us – as One. Now, the ego has a lot to say about that. It has its own agenda. It is crafty, it is clever, it is subtle, and it is blatant. It is most definitely sly. It will use you against you. It will use others against you. It will pretend to lift you and it will crush you. It will do everything that you will allow it to do – and much more besides – IF we give it any power – mentally, emotionally, physically. It will use good against you. It will use negativity against you (no surprises there!). It will separate you. It will try to define you. It will aggrandise and small you. Its job was to keep you playing. Keep you distracted. That’s it. Its purpose was to keep you playing so that you won’t remember the Truth of Who and What we all Are. And what is that? Oneness. We are One. We are Life. We are Joy, Love, Light – in Oneness. And the ego is a brilliant and smart distractor. I marvel at it. I succumb to it. I observe its devastating effect in my life and world. It is relentless and it will pretend to be your best friend - just before it betrays you and stabs you in the back. It will slam you. The ego had a part to play in our journey through individuation – I won’t be going down that particular rabbit hole in this post – but suffice it to say that it is going to react to your inviting Oneness in. As your sense of Oneness gently brings a shift in your consciousness and, in turn, a shift in those who believed in only independence, individuality and unity in ego – that sweet, savage little thing will rise up in everyone and everything. Within people, and without – as societies and companies and laws and rules and opinions and judgments and people and groups. Do not listen. Do not let it lessen the Truth of Oneness in your awareness. Stand strong and Graceful and Gently in Oneness and Love and Light and Truth. “Oneness is what Oneness Does” 😉 So – Do Oneness! And expect resistance from the ego. Remembering that you’re here to bring Love and Light and Oneness, not reaction. It will attempt to judge you and mock you into submission. Do not allow it to do so. Invite and bring Oneness into the space and place in which you are – wherever that may be. Let Love and Light speak for you – as you – as Oneness. The ego will try to irk you into combat. Do not let it. It will provide evidence of its rightness and your wrongness – through facts, beliefs, groups, laws and norms. Do not let it convince you that Oneness, Love or Light are anything other than Truth. Regardless of how it behaves – it came for a purpose and now it’s afraid of that ending. It’s frightened. Which can make it seem dangerous, defensive, attacking and cruel. Do not buy into its stories or narratives. Now is the time for Oneness to enter.
Be the One that Invites Oneness In. Be Love, Light, Gentleness, Kindness. Be strong. Just remember – when you go ‘out’ into your co-created current reality – you will experience discombobulation. You are bringing Oneness to individuation. It will have an opinion based on its discomfort. And you will experience discomfort at its individuation. And gently, bit by bit, you will remain Centred in Oneness as you traverse individuality. Be kind to yourself and others. Remember – this is a new mission. We are co-creating a New Humanity – a New World together – in Oneness. As One. It is beautiful and it is important. Thank you for being here. Donna x
We, as humans, are a part of the journey of Oneness. Life, Source, Oneness, chose to explore the experience of individuation - as us. ‘How far can I individualise, and what does it feel like?’ It asked. That was our mission. And we succeeded! We have reached the end point (along our particular line) of that goal. We are the result of Oneness seeing how far it could go into separation and density. Yet that was never the end goal. It was the beginning of this next stage. Now we have a new mission. Having explored and experimented with individual consciousness - to this point here and now, it’s time to head back home. To Oneness, Light and Love. Now our role is to explore remembering our way back to Oneness. That is our purpose now, that is how we fulfil our potential. It’s two things in one:
Whilst here in physical bodies, there is no difference between the two. Because whether returning or bringing – Oneness has always been everywhere, every when. Forgetting is not destroying. Oneness has always been us – now it’s just a matter of consciously inviting it into our awareness. Which is really simply remembering that It was always here in us, as us, with us. This moment is as far as individual ‘mindfulness’ can go. Things got a bit dreamy on our way here – we forgot that we are Oneness exploring and experiencing Itself into individuation. Now we can bring Oneness Awareness and Consciousness IN. Into our consciousness and awareness. Into our minds. So that Oneness can explore this space as One. Our role is to invite Oneness into our world – through our intentions, actions, thoughts, choices. This part is the remembering – bringing in the remembrance that we are Oneness here as many individuals, and co-creating a harmonious, peaceful, joyful New World together. Our role is to:
However, that is a major part of our new purpose – to open our minds, to invite Oneness in, and to create a New Reality here that does support It. To create a New Humanity that welcomes Oneness, Love and Light into its heart and mind. One that no longer abides by judgment, separation, and cruelty. One that is not at the behest of the ego. We are adventurers, explorers, creators, pioneers. This is the moment that we get to co-create something beautiful and new. My next few messages will be about the next part of our journey – and about the ego. Thank you for being here! Donna x Hello! I hope you're doing wonderfully. I have made the above diagram to explain visually what I'm about to explain in words. It will also serve to assist me in explaining other topics another day - but please know that I am aware that it is not an exhaustive look at either dimensions, realities or realms. So - here's the words to explain the diagram:) As I mentioned in my previous post - I used to have a very inner Spirituality. And my outer world was not always in sync with my knowing, truth, or inner world. On top of that, in the last few years I had allowed my external experiences to squish my Spirituality into an even denser inner world - is that even possible, given my own diagram?! Just go with me on this for a moment:) Journeying back into the world of 'dating', working for other people, studying Fitness and Film & TV, and living in the places I've lived - led me to meet a diverse range of people - which I Loved! It also brought up an issue I've been having for some time now - how awkward I am around other people. I've worked so hard and for so long on why this is - and to try to change how that affects other people, and thereby me. It was sparklingly clear that who I am around people is not reflective of who I am when I'm alone. Here's the self consciousness and self awareness part. When I'm alone it gives me the space to just BE. And that gives me the freedom to simply be self aware (and Self Aware). As soon as I'm around other people - the 'reality' of individual identities and separation really hits, and I become self conscious. It is not a good look! I've done over a decade of work on this - and had hoped for better results by now! Then I put two and two together. Now - it was a BIG deal for me to talk about my Spirituality in my last post. Philosophy is one thing to talk about in public - it's mildly acceptable in Australia. But even that last post is way too much for a majority of the people I know - and for most Australians. Most people here are very down to earth. Where I am about to venture is going to be too much for everyone I know - and not something I've ever spoken about with anyone. So, here goes... My reality prior to this one was very, very different to this world. I can easily recall what it was like. If you look at my diagram above, you'll see there's Oneness, then Angels, then Light Consciousness. I was in that realm - and the closest I can visually represent it here is with the aurora image above. In that realm we were conscious light streams - somewhere between rays and plasma is how I can best put it right now. We would dynamically play - flowing and merging. We didn't have bodies, faces or form, as such. We were much more like the aurora you probably know well from videos and images - as I just mentioned. We were different colours, sounds and vibrations - different 'essences' - and our creativity came from what we would co-create by merging and blending. It was exquisite, ecstatic and wonderfully beautiful. It was a world of Light that was constantly changing. We had integrity, but not the same level of individuality we have here on Earth. There was no negativity or ego, so there were none of the issues that we have in our unique, end of the line type complete independence here. There wasn't real individual separation as we have here - we all knew that we were aspects of Oneness - there to co-create stunningly. Then I came here and got me a body!
By all accounts I was a happy baby. My parents would walk in to find me sitting up in my cot laughing and chatting with who knows what. But as life continued and the rules of being human and being a good little girl became stricter and ever more confining - I began to feel more and more out of place and wrong and too much and not enough. I can be over familiar, too exuberant, too 'me'. If you think about where I came from, it might not be too surprising. I'm not asking you to believe anything about anything I've said or will say. I'm simply telling you a bit of my personal experiences, memories and knowing. My world was full of Joy and Love and explorations in merging and blending as Light. So in a body, here, I'm awkward. Think Eric in the first MIB movie. I Love intimacy - as one of my older posts will attest to - but it's a rare thing for me here (actually non-existent nowadays). I miss being Light dancing and playing with other Light! Wonderfully we have Nature here. She's a life saver. So is poetry and writing and dancing. I SO wish I could sing better! You probably wouldn't be able to stop me - except for the extreme self consciousness that comes with being in a physical body with eyes and ears and mouths and other people. One of the reasons I'm writing this post is because I would Love to do videos as well as write - and plan to. Just as this post is a step out into the world expressing my self and experiences - and brings a modicum of self consciousness with it - you can imagine that putting my face and body and voice on camera is an even bigger step. Please feel free to be gentle when I do:) Separation is a thing! I have quite a lot to say about that - from an evolutionary perspective. But for now I'll keep it super simple. I see where we're at as the innermost in breath of Life - one of its densest forms. And where we're headed now is the out breath back 'out' to Oneness. Of course, as my diagram suggests, we're always IN Oneness. What I'm saying is that we're about to become less dense. Less separate. Evolve back 'out'. Happy Days! Thank you for being here. It's impossible to explain and explore decades worth of life in one post - so this is just a few moments of my diverse Spiritual and metaphysical experiences. I won't go into explaining what any of them might be - I'll simply share them with you... When I was a young child, we would drive to my Aunt’s and Uncle’s farm 2.5 hours North of our hometown, Adelaide. Visiting them was always the highlight of my year – as was the driving together, playing games, listening to music, and – for me – cloud busting. If my Dad said the weather looked ominous, I would look out the window and start imagining the clouds disappearing and blue skies shining. Funny thing is – it worked! I was determined to play with my cousins and sister – to able to climb the haystacks, run up to the tractor barn, play hide and seek in the shearing shed, collect the eggs from the hen house – you know, enjoy the outdoors and the escape from suburbia. I had an invisible (to everyone else) friend until I was 7 – Brownie was his name. He was great company when I was out in nature, and he was funny, chatty and even helped with my decision making at times. Years later – in high school – we read ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ by Richard Bach – it called to me. Then, as I muddled my way through young adulthood, working and travelling, I was introduced to a book by an awesome guy called Crash – the book was ‘Illusions’ by the same Richard Bach. Turns out he's a fellow cloud buster! I don’t think I’ve been without a copy since then – and I have given that book away so may times on my moves. I Loved it. I then dove into the world of metaphysics – reading Shirley MacLaine’s ‘Out on a Limb’, doing a Metaphysical Certification when I was 19, and basically deep diving into Spirituality on every level possible. It was enlightening – the hundreds of books, daily meditation practices, groups I was a part of, and the people I met. I knew that I was a Spiritual Being having a physical experience. I was raised Roman Catholic – I went to a Catholic School where we had the Archbishop’s Residence, Cathedral and a Convent for the Nuns – who also taught us. I used to clean the Cathedral, Archbishop’s, and Convent with a friend for a boiled lolly or two! Every Sunday we would go to Mass - and I would see light shining around the Priest. I had faith, sure. But what I also had was real, tangible Spiritual experiences. I knew that there was so much more to life than what science tells us - experientially. Now, here in Australia, you’re often scoffed at for having Spiritual experiences or principles, and even religious people cop some of that. So I understand that some of you reading might just laugh at my tales here. In 1999, while working in the tropical Whitsunday Islands in Northern Queensland, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was in a shopping mall, going up some escalators. Sounds mundane, right? But with me was Mother Mary – and she just kept saying the same word over and over again – ‘Synchronicity’. She took me to a decrepit old place (at the top of the escalators) filled with dying old men. And still she just kept saying ‘synchronicity’. In the dream I was wondering why she would take me to such a place – and how I could feel so Blessed by her presence even there. The dream was so vivid that it was infinitely more real than what we experience day-to-day – and it was so powerful that the 24 hours after the dream felt incredibly surreal - 'so real'. I was fully alive, fully activated, fully present, fully aware. It was one of the best days of my life. It turned out that that was the night my child came to me! Then, over six months later, I was at a friend’s place near to where I live (thankfully!). As she was feeding her daughter a grape, reality split wide open. I experienced every possible alternate timeline from that moment on for eight hours afterwards. And there are hundreds of thousands branching off of every moment. Somehow, some way, for those eight hours my consciousness was able to hold, not just the original branches, but every branch from every moment since. I was a heavily pregnant woman living in the hills – and had to drive home. I ended up terrified by it, and exhausted! I couldn’t wait to go to sleep and hopefully wake up in my singular ‘reality’ the next morning – but whatever was happening was too much to let me go to sleep until much later that evening. And, yes, I did wake up in just one timeline! I wrote ‘Sleeping Angels’ in 2003 while living with my son in Hobart, Tasmania. It felt so beautiful to write. And to this day it affects me when I read it. I’m so glad I get to share it with everyone now! 2003 is also when I started my raw vegan journey - it took me 2 years to refine it. I've just celebrated 16 years being 100% raw vegan last week. Later, my son and I stayed with a friend who lived on a property on the side of Mt Warning (Wollumbin). One night we went down the road to a Hare Krishna community where they blessed the food as they made and served it – and where the public could come and buy it. That night as I slept, I had the only truly 100% positive dream I’ve ever had (if you don't include the Mary dream - which was more like an experience than a dream) – it was incredibly healing. From 2013 - 2015 I wrote several other books while home schooling my son and running my own raw vegan food business. Busy time!
Then we moved to the West Coast of Tasmania. What a stunning place – mountains, lakes, wildness everywhere. Perfect. And I got side-tracked from my Spiritual path. I studied, worked, taught, finally attempted some relationships again after 17 years, came back to the mainland and did all of those things there too. I had such fun and such heartache and such lessons. Now I no longer ‘believe’ any particular thing – I am open and discerning. I have found my way back to centre. I’m being the real, Spiritual, ‘me’ in a much more integrated way. Before, my Spirituality was a completely separate world. It was my inner world. And everything else was another, outer world. As separate and different as these experiences are, they all point to, and have shown me, that this 3D physical world is not all that there is. All of the contemplation and meditation and reading and writing I've done during my life has opened up my consciousness in profound ways. I LOVE where I am now. I Love what's to come. As I mentioned - this is just a few moments of my journey so far - there's so much more to share and I'm sure there will be many more experiences to come. It's time to edit that book I wrote in 2015 now - and share that in 2022. I hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks for being here, Donna x |
About MeHi, I'm Donna Nelson - A Bestselling Visionary Author, Creator & Producer sharing Sacred Truths, Ideas, Inspirations and Insights to help you live a Wonderful, Meaningful and Extraordinary Life. Archives
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